SpeedHero 3D Printed RC Knuckle Upgrade
Sliced Stuff is a website that designs and sells 3D printed RC drift chassis for a variety of cool cars. When I found them I was super impressed with their designs and ability to scale the spirit of the Corolla down to RC size.
I wasn't able to print one myself after purchasing their designs, but a friend took on the challenge and I was happy with the results except one noticeable detail: The knuckle design wasn't of the geometry of a real AE86. So we got to correcting it.
This new design allows a...
We got out of the house!
Matt, Joel and I got out of the house and wandered around Victoria. Joel and I followed Matt in his 1UZ-FE powered corolla down to the Oak Bay Marina to do some sight seeing, followed by a visit to Kuma Noodles for some cheap and authentic Ramen. We finished the evening off with some Flatland and revscene. Was a rad night. You can find more of Joel's Daily Vlog on his Channel Platform Garage Films.

E7 Love❣❣❣
Yeah, so I dicked up the first article. This one will be a little bit better, but still needs improvement to be perfect. On a whim while building my scooter I asked Joel; "How many body styles of the E7 are there actually?" "I unno," he muttered back. Having reviewed my original E7 article long ago, I realized it was crappy, like all the other things I post. I spent a few hours collecting photos, to help build a better article than before. For those of you in the know, the "E" in the...
Twenty Seven: Drift School beginnings?
10 days ago I picked up my 27th Corolla I've ever owned! It's a 1982 TE72 with 267,000km on it. 3TC automatic. This purchase was justified in my brain by the added duty beyond a daily driver, of being a tool of education, a racing school student car. I'd been giving formal and information racing instruction during our drifting events for years now. For some it was successful for others, not so much. I realized recently what a major differentiating factor was: the cars! Some students showed up in good working cars, that...
So, what'd you do last weekend?
Last year, I made a promise. I said I'd go back. So I did. Mr. Komukai and I returned to Tsukuba for this year's Hachiroku Matsuri. It was a bit of an overcast weekend, but it was actually quite warm. Really pleased with that, to be honest. This year, WiZ didn't bring their car out, but Komukai-Sensei brought out a Levin that he picked up out in Gunma (which has subsequently been purchased by one of the students). No big surprises this weekend, other than a few loose (critical)...