My Early introduction to Aussie motoring.
4 events this week end. I'm wiped out entirly; sunburnt and covered in spider bites (That's another story) Robbie, Jane, Noel, Juliette and I managed to make it out to 4 different motoring activities. 1. Archerfield Drift. Held by Dylan Anderson at Nizzpro in Gold Coast, Archerfield drift is a run what you brung type drift event every Thursday night for about $60! Reminds me of my precious Capital Drift. 2. Munch Inn (Munchies) Friday night cruise meet. A massive collection of Aussie muscle, filling entirely...
FIY13SHVABTB: Yes, it happened.
What did you do with your 3 years in Victoria Quinn? Three years ago I acquired a wagon, pre-sold on my behalf by friends of the province I was leaving for my arrival in a new side of the country. This $50 wagon began it's life on epic terms, with a certain doom of epic-ness. Over the next three years the car would evolve using literally scrap junk people rejected as unusable condition goods. No matter the situation the car stood in the way of it's own progress, a struggle and fight to assemble and make function. It's very first outing on...
BTB, no droop. Updates
I will have no sag. No droop for this trip. The support has been beyond what I expected. Now on day #3 of the raffle and we've clicked past the 106 ticket mark of out 300 ticket goal. Seriously, that's amazing! I never knew raffling a car off, especially one such as this would bring so much love and cheer. I need to thank everyone, and to be honest a feeling hit me yesterday. I want them all to have Lemonade. A majority of the raffle supporters have been good friends. Some which I haven't heard from in a while,...
Lemonade Raffle: WTF am I doing with my life. FIY13SHVABTB
Seriously, I've lost my entire mind. Here's the deal. Starting now, right now, this moment, now then, the one just past when you read that, the Raffle is Active! $5 a ticket gets you into the drawing. EMT is fine (DiscoQuinn@gmail.com), cash in person is fine too. Draw date is January 23rd. A Wednesday! Where one lucky winner will be selected! Please, share this with your friends. Win a 'racing' car!
Boosting better than Brock
Brocks technology: Late 70's Australia wasn't quite a technological marvel. In a previous post we mumbled about his gear ratios. 4th seems to provide for him 270km/h at 6000rpm. Either his 4th gear was excessively long, or the rear end ratio is long. The latter is the more likely of the scenarios. His 308 V8 would've needed quite a clean strong, and long power band from low RPM's through to the high ones in order to run such long gears for the first scenario mentioned. The second is...