I was driving around today bored out of my face. It was looking like a crappy day due for rain. Gotta love it when plans to go part-picking are rained out. Oh well, life goes on. Back to driving around - rain started coming down, followed by a loud bang on my roof. within about 3 seconds the road was covered in HUGE pieces of hail. Freak weather like this is awesome as far as I'm concerned. I think its cool that the sky can make a bigger piece of ice than my fridge can. Its even more exciting to think that it takes about 1/10th the time to do it as my fridge.
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="800" caption="Don't mind the nail missing from my thumb, a Smart car is to blame. "]
I know this isn't really related to cars but hey, I was driving when it happened. More posts to come from me in the future - as soon as I find more worth posting.
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